Saturday 5 January 2013

South Africa Delux - Gemstone Safari with Skyhawk Photography

South Africa Delux - Gemstone Safari with Skyhawk Photography

South Africa Delux is a new luxury lifestyle magazine that captivates the true spirit of the African continent. This quarter Skyhawk was honoured to partner with the South Africa Delux team in putting together a feature called the Gemstone Safari.

The feature lyrically discusses precious and rare gemstones that can be found on the African continent while pairing Skyhawk imagery of the locations in which these gems can be found; imagery that also reflects the luminous colours and multifaceted nature of these precious commodities.

It is our hope that through articles such as these that readers the world over grasp the precious nature of our African landscapes and are galvanised into action to visit, conserve and appreciate the true gems of our planet;  the vast wildernesses that are home to so much life.

Many thanks to Megan Webel and Laurette Coetzee

The magazine is distributed to top addresses in Southern Africa: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana,
Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, Tanzania, Kenya, Zanzibar and Vienna, Austria.

To read the whole article please visit the following link: